"Yes indeedy do, it’s that time again! A woman of substance who is kicking bootay whilst looking fabulous every day is hereby and fore with awarded the SUPER GIRLIE GOOD POWER™ AWARD!" http://margotpotter.blogspot.com/2007/03/brand-new-super-girlie-good-power-award.html I actually won a prize.
My daughter is my best friend. It makes me feel good that she would want to tell the world how much I mean to her.
I also celebrated 20 years working at State Farm Insurance. I picked out a speaker system for my gift. It turned out that the speaker system I have is better. I am suppose to get some cash but have not send it yet. Maybe it is coming by pony express.
I have completed my purse for the International Purse Exchange III. Lynnette said that she liked hot pink so I hope she really does.

The book is about a yarn shop owner, it was passed to me to read and pass on to another knitter. I embroidered a free standing lace bookmark with Lynnette's initial (McCray), a change purse, and a in-the-hoop applique tissue holder as accessories. I fell in love with a scarf that was hanging in the yarn shop so I brought the yarn and will also send the pattern to her. The box in the back has four different lotions, and the small box is candy. The purse is an original design by Bette Bornside, New Orleans and has a magnetic closure. http://bornsideyarns.com/ .The box will go out on Monday.

The "L" is backwards in this picture but it is not on the actual work. Guess my PSP skills are not as great as I thought.
I am almost finished with the purse for the Purse Exchange, working on my Easter postcards for the Art2Mail group, almost completed warping the loom for the bamboo scarves that I want to get done because I need to get them off so I weave a shawl for my trip to Europe. I do not have one finished that I want to take.
Working on a pair of socks from the Favourite Socks book, would like to finish the floor cloth that is laying on the floor in my bedroom, that is the only place that has enough floor space to work on it. Anyway, that is where it is going in the end. I brought a nice big pot to dye the yarn that I had spun and tried to dye with Kool-Aid. I have fiber reactive dyes and so I might as well try. Also working on labels for the yarn that I have spun. I figure that if I spin it I should have personalized labels.
I am spending the day, working on half completed sewing projects. I have a robe, 2 jackets, 2 purses that are begging to be completed.
Awesome! I saw you over there. It was such a great surprise!! You have a wonderful daughter. I'd say you are both lucky. :)
Darn darn darn. I had guessed that your bag was for me!
Lucky Lynnette!
Wow, you are a Dynamo, girl! And congrats on your winnings. Nothing like having your daughter as a best-friend, huh? Mine is my daughter also!
Bonnie, sorry...I was not lucky enough to get you this time. Rhonda or a dear. You really think I am a Dynamo? I am so impressed with you and wish I had your creativity. Thank you Lisa for your kind words.
Oh I love that purse! It's really cool how you did such a stark contrast between the lining and the bag yarn. Very well done!
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