This is the email that I received from a local yarn shop here in Chicago that caught my interest.
"Cruisette on the FoxSaturday 9/20 at 3pm
The weather forecast is for a glorious day. 80 degrees and sunny.
You can still join us on the Cruisette from Saint Charles on the Fox River Belle to enjoy wine, desserts and knitting in great company. Come on Saturday at 3pm and and have some fun with us. It's going to bes sunny, so we'll be able to enjoy the upper deck; if it gets rainy then there's plenty of space on the covered deck to knit in comfort.
Tickets are available online, or you can call the store at 630.232.2305 to save your space.
The dock is located on the east side of the Fox River in Pottawatomie Park, St. Charles, Illinois. Pottawatomie Park is located between routes 25 and 31, north of Route 64. Click on the map for detailed directions. We sail at 3pm."
Now doesn't that sound like fun. Well, I thought so......
I arrived early because I did not want to "miss the boat". The first person I met was a lovely lady named Gretl that introduced me to her friends and made me feel very welcome.

It was so funny, she was working on a vest that is on the cover of the September 2008, Creative Knitting. I had purchased that issue without looking inside because of that vest.
One of the ladies said that the trip up and down the river would take 3 hours. We all starting thinking about Gilligan's Island and hoping that we had brought enough to knit.

The group started to arrive and excitement was in the air. I believe that there was 37 people. It had been 5o but because of the bad weather the weekend before, the trip had to be cancelled and reschedule to this weekend. Quite a few people had to cancel.

We received a bag of goodies that I can not find. I do hope I did not knock it out of my bag. We received a ball of yarn, pattern for a market bag and the cutiest knitting needles. I really do not know where to look for it. I am quite sad :(

Here or some of the ladies up top enjoying the warm breeze, scenery and company. We just knitted away. Of course, there was munchies,

While we were taking our "Cruisette", we passed a wedding in progress. Isn't this a beautiful setting for a wedding!!!

I think the highlight of our trip down the Fox River was our serenade.

We passed him a couple of times. Glad I had my camera.
I truly had a great time. Wish you were here.