My daughter and I just love to go and get ideas of things we would like to try to make. The place will make your head spin with all the amazing crafts. The artist or fantastic to talk to as well as informative. I wanted to take a class with this Nuno felter but when I checked her website, the class I wanted is at the Penland School in NC and it is full. I am going to just have to play with it.
This year, the show featured cakes that local bakers had made using inspiration from different artist jewelry and pottery. I do not know what the cakes taste like but they were amazing to look at. The jewelry or pottery is in the pictures behind the cakes if you can see them.

I just got back from 4 days in Orlando, FL, attending a meeting. I really did not do very much so I have nothing to report. However, I finished my Boneyard Shawl by Stephen West. I thank Stitchingnut for her interpretation of the Boneyard Shawl. I was so impressed that I decided to give it a try. While in Cloverhill Yarn store in Catonsville, MD, I saw a hat that the colors just drew me in. I purchased enough yarn to make a shawl with no shawl in mind at the time. This is an easy shawl, just stockinette. I decided on the Windblown Leaf border from Nikki Epstein's, Knitting on the Edge.

Several people complimented me on the shawl when I wore it to the meeting.
I am presently working on a KAL shawl and a scarf that I started while I was in Orlando because I had brought the wrong needles for the KAL shawl and forgot the needle for the scarf I was going to start. I was surprised that the Orlando Walmart still had crafts so I was able to pick up a knitting needle.
This year, I am trying to knit from stash. My daughter said it was okay to buy yarn if I am short a ball, but every time I want to buy yarn, I am to put the money toward our vacations. I can do this.